Covering over 2.6 million hectares, the Sumatran rainforest is an important source for the Earth’s oxygen. It is one of the richest areas of tropical biodiversity in Southeast Asia, as well as being the last place on earth to find the Sumatran tiger, rhino, elephant and Orangutan in one place.
Batu Kapal is found in North Sumatra, on the doorstep to the extraordinary Gunung Leuser National Park, and is a very rich biodiversity hotspot with many wild orangutans and other rare and endangered wildlife species. Farming, land clearance for palm oil, and urbanisation, place continual pressure on the survival of this wildlife refuge.
It is our mission to reforest the degraded land in and around Batu Kapal, including on oil and rubber plantations, as well as farm land and private landholdings. Reforesting and protecting the Batu Kapal buffer zone will create a vital wildlife corridor enabling orangutans and other wildlife to move freely between the park and the buffer zone, ensuring their survival.
Our work focuses on working with and empowering local farmers and landholders to reforest their properties and adopt sustainable farming practices. Our team members include local and indigenous Karonese community members who manage reforestation and forest protection activities on the ground.
This map shows where we are and the surrounding rubber and palm oil plantations which we are working to reforest
Plant a rainforest tree to support our community-based reforestation program as part of our Trees for Life project. You will receive a certificate. Get in touch with us at [email protected] for more details
Our reforestation program is a community-wide initiative in the Batu Kapal buffer zone and surrounding villages, alongside Landak and Musam rivers, to help these communities reforest this critical biodiversity hotspot by planting trees on their properties as well as parcels of land that we secure from local landownders. We are hoping that in the long-term the newly grown trees will create a safe corridor connecting different parts of the forest, enabling wildlife to move freely across the jungle.
Our reforestation strategy is based around joining gaps in the wildlife corridor in the following stages:
We run several programs as part of our strategy which include:
Land clearance and illegal logging are a huge threat to the survival of the Orangutan and other species in the Batu Kapal buffer zone, and even in the protected areas of the Gunung Leuser National Park in Sumatra.
Over 80% of orangutans live in unprotected forests. This puts them at an even greater risk of extinction since their forest habitat can be destroyed by the encroaching settlement, logging concessions, plantations and mining.
Many other species endemic to Sumatran rainforest are under imminent threat.
Thomas Leaf Monkeys are currently listed as vulnerable, which means that unless the circumstances threatening their survival and reproduction improve, they are likely to become another endangered species. Their main threat is habitat loss. They are therefore forced into farmland in search for food, having a reputation by farmers as ”crop pests.”
Have you always wanted your very own piece of rainforest to protect, conserve and reforest?
Join us to rescue the Sumatran rainforest piece by piece, metre by metre, for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!
By donating to buy land in this fragile wildlife corridor, you are helping us save the rainforest and protect the animals that live within it.
Batu Kapal
Bohorok, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Registered Address: CareSumatra Inc.
288 Colonial Drive
Norton Summit 5136
South Australia